I met Dan just over a year ago, after a difficult 3 years in which I cared for both my mother and father suffering various illnesses, until they both passed away. Clearing the family home was a huge emotional wrench, and as an only child, there was no-one to meaningfully share the grief with. I quite simply ate my way through the whole experience.
I’ve always been an emotional eater, but have had long periods of time in my life where I’ve looked after myself with regular training and successfully maintained a healthy weight with good eating. However, whenever anything big happens, or I’m facing change, it all goes out of the window. I focus very easily on other people and situations, and not myself.
Dan very quickly plugged into that, and also that I was ready to start meaningfully looking after myself, and fixing my learned behaviour. I promised him a completely open mind, and that I would embrace everything he had to offer. He told me that I didn’t have to worry about my weight any more. He would take care of it, it was his responsibility, as long as I did what he told me to. What a relief!
Dan’s knowledge is encyclopaedic. His patience is legendary. His compassion endless. He also doesn’t pull his punches, and is quite literally the only person in my life who tells me what to do. And I do it!
This was a completely new kind of training, a steep learning curve in nutrition and science, and he totally mentored me through it, every step of the way. It truly is a bespoke approach in all ways, and I’m so lucky to have met him.
A year later, I’ve lost weight, look 10 years younger, and can lift a sizeable child with ease. I’ve also been told that I have a nice butt! But more importantly, the vast amount of knowledge I’ve attained from Dan on all levels is staggering. I’ve also come a long way in understanding my relationship with myself and changing inside too, so my learned responses have, for the most part, gone. I respect him absolutely, and realise that as long as I trust the instructor, I’m a pretty good instruction follower. I am responsible for a team of 150 people at work, and spend my days leading that team, so to be the follower is absolutely wonderful for me. Dan believes in me, I believe in him. Perfect balance.